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  • Brenda Sievers, Plant Industry Program Manager
    SD Department of Agriculture & Natural Resources - Plant Industry
    523 E. Capitol
    Pierre, SD 57501-3182
    T: 605-773-3623
    E: brenda.sievers@state.sd.us

  • Neal R. Foster, Seed Certification Manager & SDCIA Executive Director
    SD Crop Improvement Association
    2380 Research Park Way, Suite 136
    Brookings, SD 57007-1785
    T: 605-688-4606
    F: 605-688-6752
    E: neal.foster@sdstate.edu

  • Brent Turnipseed, Seed Laboratory Manager
    SDSU Seed Testing Laboratory
    2380 Research Parkway
    Brookings, SD 57506
    T: 605-688-4590

The following responses are provided by the South Dakota State Seed Department in regard to general questions about the South Dakota State Seed Law.

- Does your state offer "Seed Arbitration" as a part of your seed law, or as a separate law?
Answer = YES

- Does your state have “pre-emption” legislation to restrict local political subdivisions from regulating seed?
Answer = YES

- Does your law allow for "variety not stated" labeling?
Answer = YES, except for barley, flax, oats, rye, soybeans, triticale and wheat. These kinds must be sold by variety name.